Just like there’s no such thing as too many guns, there’s no such thing as too many patches. For me, a morale patch wall is a necessity. With just three items, I made a fun patch wall I can hang up anywhere!
Depending on how many patches you have, the size of the wall is up to you. I used a 3′ x 2′ corkboard with an aluminum frame. I actually used the reverse side that is backed by cardboard so if I am ever in need of a corkboard, I can just flip it over. The adhesive I chose can stick to paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, metal, and wood so the wall is really up to you and your creativity level!
The trickiest find was finding a material for the morale patch wall that supported velcro. I found a thin black woven loop material that holds patches well. I wanted something thin that would stick to the glue well. Other materials that support velcro are wool, loose-looped felt, looped nylon, fleece, some microfiber fabrics, and velvet. If I didn’t order everything online, bring a patch with you to your local fabric store and try out materials. You may have to cut the fabric to the size of your wall, which I never align anything straight, so mine has extra character.

The last thing I used was 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Permanent Spray Adhesive Glue. The best part about this is it doesn’t seep through the fabric when you apply it. I assume super glue, gorilla glue, and other liquid glues would work as well, but applying these to the fabric wouldn’t get full coverage of a large morale patch wall without spreading it everywhere. This adhesive glue is extremely quick to dry and stick.

I started with the top left corner and sprayed the cardboard and the back of the fabric. Once that corner was anchored in place, I sprayed a horizontal line across the top and immediately laid the fabric down on top of it. Make sure the fabric stays flat and smooth in the process. Next, I sprayed another horizontal line and laid the fabric down on top of it. I continued this process until the entire fabric has been glued down.
Let the glue dry and fabric rest before mounting patches and especially before pulling patches off since that may loosen the adhesive before fully drying.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Ever built a morale patch wall? What did you use?
List of Materials: